Geko Art studio
Geko Art studio
Geko is an art studio and platform located in Florence that seeks to maintain the tradition of figurative art within the current contemporary framework. We hope to enable a dynamic and innovative exhibition space for emerging and established artists who develop contemporary proposals for reflection and research in the Arts.Visuals, aspiring to contribute to cultural development at an international level, focusing on cultural needs and demanda, but also following the expression of new artistic trends within the framework of basic academic preparation.Our objective is to open a space for the development, exhibition and circulation of contemporary art for the community, promote the dissemination of art and recover traditional forms. We seek to provide support and establish a permanent space for contemporary figurative artists who do not have a space for the exhibition of their works.Our goal is to promote and encourage the active participation of institutions linked to art and cultural organizations through various exhibitions and artistic activities managed by Geko.
10 Shindig

20 Partecipanti

Le mie foto

Geko is an art studio and platform located in Florence that seeks to maintain the tradition of figurative art within the current contemporary framework. We hope to enable a dynamic and innovative exhibition space for emerging and established artists who develop contemporary proposals for reflection and research in the Arts.

Visuals, aspiring to contribute to cultural development at an international level, focusing on cultural needs and demanda, but also following the expression of new artistic trends within the framework of basic academic preparation.

Our objective is to open a space for the development, exhibition and circulation of contemporary art for the community, promote the dissemination of art and recover traditional forms. We seek to provide support and establish a permanent space for contemporary figurative artists who do not have a space for the exhibition of their works.

Our goal is to promote and encourage the active participation of institutions linked to art and cultural organizations through various exhibitions and artistic activities managed by Geko.

I miei Shindig

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Alessandro Civera Carlo C Francesca Abignente Agriturismo  Sadira
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